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  • november 21 2017
  • tips

5 Things You Don’t Know about Pit Cleaning

5 Things You Don’t Know about Pit Cleaning

Pit cleaning may seem straightforward, but there are several things the process entails that will surprise you.

pit cleaning, pit crew VA

For example:

  1. All waste that gets removed during pit cleaning has to be tested because local landfills restrict certain substances from being dumped like mercury and arsenic. Throwing out the waste before making sure it doesn’t contain anything harmful is actually illegal.
  2. Vacuums that suck mud out work well with pits that have manholes. Since vacuums are more adaptable than diggers, they can remove mud more efficiently.
  3. Few business owners try to remove sludge themselves because the process is time-consuming, physically demanding, and potentially dangerous if accomplished with the wrong pit cleaning equipment.
  4. One solution for the smell that pits often emit is the Hydro Biodigester produced by Hydro Engineering. They use a mixture of purified enzymes and natural bacteria in two types of systems to eliminate the bacteria that cause odor. The biosystem uses bacteria to consume the contaminants, while the mechanical filtration system also gets rid of silt and minerals.
  5. In general, the process of pit cleaning has gotten easier because of the effectiveness of vacuums and the invention of the Sludge Bagger. No need to dig sludge yourself anymore – simply get experts to do it for you.

If you’re looking for a pit cleaning service with the lowest prices, quality workmanship, and 24-hour response, you’ve come to the right place! Our job is to get dirty so you don’t have to.

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