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Car Wash Pit Cleaning in Kentucky

Car Wash Pit Cleaning in Kentucky

If you’ve never met us, we’re PIT CREW, LLC, a car wash pit cleaning service based out of Virginia. Although we’re based in Virginia, our car wash pit cleaning trucks and equipment can drive across multiple states to service car washes wherever they are.

That’s very important for Kentucky car washes because we’re not sure that there is another car wash pit cleaning company in the entire state.

We’re okay with that. As far as the septic tank cleaning industry, there are few companies that specialize in only cleaning car wash pits. We’re used to being the only dedicated car wash pit cleaning company in many states on the East Coast.

If you are a car wash owner in Kentucky, put in a request for service on our contact us page.

Kentucky Regulations on Car Wash Pit Waste Disposal

**For any legal guidance on how to keep your car wash in compliance with local and state regulations, talk to your lawyer.

As with most states, there is no one single law on how to properly dispose of car wash pit waste. Instead, there are regulations that apply across the board for many businesses that operate similarly to car washes. For example, in the Kentucky Administrative Regulations Title 902 Chapter 010 Regulation 085, there are regulations about on-site sewage disposal systems. In Section 6 of this law, it states, “The following businesses or facilities shall not be approved for disposal of waste waters into an on-site sewage disposal system due to the nature of the wastes generated or the high volume of wastewater created… car washes.”

While this law mostly pertains to how your site was designed, it also provides important insight to keep in mind while cleaning out your car wash pits. Car washes are considered a significant source of wastewater and, with that high volume, comes more concern for the environmental impact of car wash sludge.

Car wash pit sludge is a concentration of the grime, dirt and detergents that wash off of a car when it comes through your car wash. When possible, it should be disposed of properly to reduce the risk of environmental impact (we can help with that!).

Keep Kentucky Rivers Flowing Clean

As a final thought on wastewater disposal, Kentucky has had a long history of investing in the clean up of land and water resources. The Personal Responsibility in a Desirable Environment (PRIDE) organization is a non-profit that was founded for that very purpose. Car washes are seen by the public as using a lot of water (even though car washes are much more water-efficient than washing at home). It may be a good PR opportunity for your car wash staff to have a volunteer day with the PRIDE organization.

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Can I Make a Living Working at the Car Wash?