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  • october 22 2018
  • tips

Car Wash Safety Tips

Car Wash Safety Tips

Car wash safety should be a fore-fronted thought to every car washer as well as every car wash owner. While car washes are meant to keep your car in great condition, there are unavoidable risks that come with operating and using a car wash.

But don’t worry — we’ve compiled a list of car wash safety tips so that customers and owners can do their best to stay as safe as possible when washing cars.

Watch for Potential Slippery Spots

Customers and workers can and should be on the lookout for possible slippery spots around all car washes. Not only is wet cement particularly hazardous, but adding soap and other car wash runoff into the mix can make it even more dangerous.

As the weather gets colder in the fall and winter months, slippery spots can pop up all around a car wash. Car wash owners should check daily for spots that have frozen over and could pose as a threat to customers and workers and place yellow cones out in areas that are slick. Car wash customers and workers should wear shoes with good grips to help lower their risk of falling. Slipping and falling is one of the most common ways people get hurt at a car wash, so being aware of those potential spots as soon as possible will hopefully keep those incidents down.

Keep an Eye Out for Moving Vehicles

Obviously, there are a lot of cars moving around at car washes, but customers and car wash staff should be on high alert for moving vehicles at all times. Especially during high traffic times, such as the evenings and weekends, be sure to train your staff appropriately to ensure that they know how to be constantly aware of their surroundings.

Train Your Staff on Proper Equipment Use

All car washes have incredibly powerful equipment that workers should be trained on before using. While some of the equipment may be easy to use, it is critical that every member of the car wash staff is thoroughly trained on all equipment to ensure that your staff and customers are safe.

Beware of Chemical Exposures

Whether you’re cleaning out your car wash pit or you’re cleaning up some kind of chemical spillage, chemical exposures are another big dangerous part of car washes. If you’re wondering if the sludge in a car wash pit is dangerous, the answer is it can be. One way to ensure that you and your staff are safe from the hazards that come with car wash pit cleaning is to hire a pit cleaning crew. At Pit Crew, we don’t just clean the sludge from your pits, we destroy it. So it’s safest for your team, customers, and the environment.


We hope these car wash safety tips are helpful. And if we can help you and your crew avoid the hazards of car wash pit cleaning, contact us. We’d love to talk.


up next

How Often Should You Clean Your Car Wash Pits?