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Car Wash Pit Cleaning in Iowa

Car Wash Pit Cleaning in Iowa

Meet Pit Crew: The Midwest’s Choice for Car Wash Pit Cleaning

Pit Crew started in Virginia with a specialized and intentional approach to car wash pit cleaning. Our business doesn’t operate like your generalist septic cleaner. Instead, Pit Crew has trucks designed specifically for cleaning out car wash pits and a facility that processes the waste safely.

Your Iowa car wash business can avoid backed up car wash pits, emergency closures and environmental penalties with proper pit cleaning.

It’s difficult to find companies who specialize in car wash pit cleaning. That’s why Pit Crew travels to help car wash businesses all over the East Coast and Midwest. There’s no need to struggle with shoveling out your pits or dumping your sludge without processing.

Whether you run numerous self-service bays, operate a gas station with one automatic-rollover (in-bay) car wash or have a franchise with state-of-the-art tunnel washes – you can count on Pit Crew.

Traveling Car Wash Pit Cleaning Services in Iowa

If you need pit cleaning in Iowa, our Des Moines based team can fill service requests statewide. Give us a call for help in cities such as:

  • Des Moines
  • Cedar Rapids
  • Davenport
  • Sioux City
  • Iowa City
  • Ankeny
  • Waterloo
  • Ames
  • Council Bluffs

Our team also services nearby states such as Illinois, Michigan and Indiana.

Keep Your Car Wash Productive

Pit Crew cleans your car wash pits with a strong vacuum that quickly deposits the sludge and water straight into our trucks. From there you are all set. Our team processes the sludge and ensures hazardous waste doesn’t enter your ecosystem.

These cleanings need to happen around every three to four months. The great news is that Pit Crew can clean a single pit in a matter of minutes.

If you put off cleanings or opt for a less effective method, you could end up with a backed-up car wash pit. These backups could force you to close for the day and miss out on serious amounts of revenue.

More Affordable Car Wash Pit Cleaning

Pit Crew can keep car wash pit cleaning costs down because we own and operate our waste processing facility. This facility solely handles car wash waste instead of trying to process multiple types of waste.

When companies begin offering lower costs, it’s likely they are not removing waste in an environmentally friendly way. This could end up hurting you in the long run due to possible fees for improper disposal.

Regulations on Car Wash Pit Cleaning and Disposal in Iowa

According to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Iowa businesses are legally required to determine if their solid wastes are hazardous. Car wash businesses are almost guaranteed to create hazardous waste due to toxins such as chromium, cadmium and lead frequently washing off the underside of cars.

If you have hazardous or liquid waste, the state of Iowa will not allow any dumping at landfills or unpermitted disposal on your property.

Give Pit Crew a Call for Convenient Cleanings

Putting off your pit cleanings can lead to fees or days of service delays. Don’t sweat about sludge and plan ahead for thorough car wash cleanings.

Pit Crew specializes in cleaning your pits and we never leave any room for error. You can schedule your cleanings before or after your business opens to ensure productivity never dwindles.

Call us today to work together.

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Car Wash Pit Cleaning Illinois